Hopscotch: The Game of Life
This unique dance ensemble aims at showcasing the formative years of a child through varied emotional phases of having dreams, seeking hope, discovering friendship & love, and although facing obstacles like experiencing jealousy that may lead to conflict, yet overruled by deep conscience of mind through remorse, resulting in ultimately spreading the message of unity and happiness in its ideal state!
This unique dance ensemble aims at showcasing the formative years of a child through varied emotional phases of having dreams, seeking hope, discovering friendship & love, and although facing obstacles like experiencing jealousy that may lead to conflict, yet overruled by deep conscience of mind through remorse, resulting in ultimately spreading the message of unity and happiness in its ideal state!
Salutation to the Sun - Individual
entities revel in the magnificence of the sun - the essence of life!
Salutations are offered to the elements of life - fire, water, earth and
air. These in harmony with the universe
creates within them them the vibrant human spirit.
Hopscotch - This unique dance ensemble aims to showcase
the emotional formative phases in a child's life. The child seeks and 'hops' through,
discovers, stumbles and falls through dreams, hopes, squashed expectations,
jealousy, conflict, conscience and remorse!
Ultimately the soul finds and spreads the message of unity and happiness
in its ideal state.
Dream - A damsel is lost in her dream, the
conscious and the unconscious meet, revel in a "perfect" world,
natural beauty is admired, they dance in abandon - leaving the dreamer in a blissful state of
an 'awakened' mind.
Hope - Dream leads to hope - as a soul is
lost, on the verge of losing hope, hope herself arrives in a chiffon flash
uplifting and encouraging. Hope is then
passed on to another bewildered soul - leading the path to a brighter future.
Bonding - Passing of hope leads to bonding -
as individuals recognize their familiar similarities - the common human
emotions makes it impossible for them not to be drawn to each other and revel
in their 'oneness' of spirit - seemingly sincere!
Jealousy - Three youngsters playing Hopscotch,
one is clearly the winner - much to the envy of the other two - the winner now becomes a victim of
circumstance - the playground becomes a battlefield of ugly human emotion -
leading to angry, conflictual states of mind.
Conflict - With further instigation - suspicion and blame ensue - egos flare, rage and frustration follow -
the fight begins - vengeance and spite are obvious emotions.
Remorse - Oh, the pain, the hurt from such
wasted energy spent in conflict, flying a kite or playing on a swing is now
burdensome - conscience now controls - unadulterated sadness takes over -
eventually leading to a "unified remorse."
Unity - In this last scene, all entities come
to a realization that humankind is made of the good, bad and the ugly - that to
attempt to unite - to enjoy and revel in
our similarities and differences could be one of the most important roles for
us to play as human beings, for a more peaceful world!
and Choreography,Costume design: Artists of Suryasutra
Story idea,Costume
styling: Nita Mallya
Music editing,
Poster/Website/Program design: Shreelina Ghosh
Script: Padma Aking
Poetry: Radhika
Photography: Anil Mallya
Narrator: Rupanjana Sengupta
Mask: Shubada Sahasrabudhe
background music: Qais Essar
Music credits: Suryashtakam by Sacred
Chants, Harmony of the Hearts by Dr. L. Subramaniam, Kandisa by Indian Ocean,
Little Krishna by Bickram Ghosh, Strums & Drums by Rahul Sharma, Chanchal
by Ganesh & Kumaresh, Language of Innocence by Bickram Ghosh, Rajasthani
Folk Fusion by Kamlesh Deepak Drolia, Tribe of Zeba by Bickram Ghosh, Saaz By
Armaan Ali Murtaza and Asatoma Sadgamaya by Shankar Mahadevan.
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